
its safe to say that pig wrestling is the funniest thing … ever! I have to admit that I was not sure this was the event for me.. but it is hilarious. We got there in time to watch the little kids wrestle with the cutest little pigs and stayed to watch out teams go. Thankfully out girls team was only 2 teams after our boys team because the weather started to take a turn for the worst.

The boys got the pig in the bucket in about 17 seconds, which i think brought them into possibly 4th place; and the girls weren’t able to get their pig in… not for lack of effort though.

nothing less than hilarious

Went to the Gros Ventre friday and went cliff jumping. Just a little cliff though maybe… 30 feet. still fun, but not the nervous butterflies because it wasnt too high.

me at the Gros Ventre

We ended up having so much fun yesterday. I had the day off, but we waited for a few people to get off and we rented inner tubes and floated down the Snake River from South Park to Hoback Junction. There were a few spots where I hit the current wrong and actually started floating up-stream, but one of my friends brought his kayak which was helpful in bumperboating the inner tubes in the right direction when they got off track. 6 of us went, and it started to rain near the end, but I was too happy to be out on the water to be concerned with a little bit of rain. Makes me miss canoeing at home, but I know Business Time (my sturdy vessel), is in great hands.

Other than that just taking it easy until work today. This week is pay week, and I am thinking of treating myself to a new sleeping bag, because the one I have been using is just too big and too cold.

for all that are interested.. my interview with Yosemite just didn’t seem to go great. I am not overly concerned about it, but I will be hearing from her later this week. The timing and everything just didn’t seem to be matching up for what she needs so we will see.


    • Lulu
    • August 2nd, 2010

    Love YOSEMITE! Let me know if I can help..I might have a contact still there or at corp.
    LOVE YOU! Can’t wait to see you.
    You’re not missing much here- Band Camp started today
    it’s about 98 degrees!

    • daddyo
    • August 2nd, 2010

    I hope cliff jumping involes water at the end of the jump!

    • Stacy
    • August 8th, 2010

    Miss you!! Glad you got your invite.. it’s okay that you can’t make it to Bridal Shower, I’m just soooo thankful you’ll be able to make it on October 9th. 🙂 xoxo

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